
fitness friday #12: intuitive eating and cruising

fitness friday was born when like-minded bloggers desired a place to discuss hair and health goals and to remain accountable to themselves and each other for reaching those goals. 
tune into this and your hosts' blogs every friday to be inspired and to inspire.
if you've been following along for the last few months (read: like the last half of a year... lol), then you know that i am was a gung-ho low carber. i lost a good amount of weight on LC - over 30 pounds - and i had fully intended to lose the last 15 on an even more severe form of LC that was basically a 0 carb program.

i did really well on this for a while and was an active member of an online LC forum. as i thought more and more about how i could possibly maintain my weight loss, i kept reading over and over about how people who had maintained were doing so by eating exactly the same as they had while on their journey.

of course, i knew this. duh - this was supposed to be a lifestyle change. and i had accepted that i would eat LC for the rest of my life. i actually enjoyed it and found it fairly simple.
but then i began thinking about my cruise and how there would be so much delicious food, and how going to the caribbean meant even more delicious food that would most definitely be higher carb. and i asked myself if it was really feasible that i could not only maintain LC on the cruise, but in life in general. i'm a huge fan of travel - i move around A LOT, and i love visiting other places. one of the best parts of going to different places is completely immersing myself in the culture, and that means partaking in the food. was i really going to let my fear of carbs keep me from enjoying that?

the answer was a definitive "no." i have been on one diet or another since i was 5 years old, and the only thing those have done is make me fear food and hate my body. enough is enough. i'm tired of giving food so much power.

and after that, i decided that i was going to try intuitive eating. i highly suggest you read this book if you're interested, but the basic concept is that no foods are off-limits. you eat what you want, but you only eat when you're truly hungry and you stop when you're satisfied.

i started a 21-day intuitive eating challenge this past monday, and i have had a few slip-ups with overeating, but i've also had two days when i ate exactly what i wanted when i was hungry, stopped when i was satisfied, and lost weight. more than anything, this way of life is something more sustainable for me, and is a way to liberate myself from the bondage of food and fear of weight gain. i know that weight has been a major issue for my entire life, and that things won't always be easy, but i refuse to step on that ship on june 1 afraid to enjoy my very first cruise because of food!

have you ever tried intuitive eating? how did it work for you?


fitness friday linkup rules
  1. follow your hosts: SavingOurStrands, Longing4Length, and One&20 via Bloglovin'.
  2. fitness is the theme. entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted.
  3. inspire the Fitness Friday contributor that linked up directly before you with an encouraging comment. we are each here to support each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends.
  4. share it! your blog post must link back to this site so that others can become involved. this nifty button below links back to the Fitness Friday page! just copy and drop the code below into your blog post.

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